ULTIMATE (Single Wash: $16 / Monthly Pass: $34.99)
INCLUDES EVERYTHING! Our Ultimate Wash Package includes DELUXE WASH plus:
- Ceramic Seal
- Tire Dressing
- Rain-X
- Extreme Shine Wax with Carnauba
- Double Wheel Cleaner
DELUXE (Single Wash: $13 / Monthly Pass: $29.99)
Our Deluxe Wash Package includes BASIC WASH plus:
- Bug Prep
- Clear Coat Sealant
- Rainbow Conditioning
- Tire & Wheel Clean
- Under Body Wash
BASIC (Single Wash: $10 / Monthly Pass: $24.99)
Our Basic Wash Package includes the following:
- Shampoo
- Soft Water Rinse
- Power Air Dry